The Ionians, who had shown particular developments on economy and culture between 900-300 B.C. in west Anatolia, founded the 12 Ionic cities union.
One of the most important and developed cities of this union was ‘Klozemenai’ (Urla, today).
According to the archaeological findings and excavations, olive oil extraction technic was founded in the 6th century B.C. This technic known as ‘Klozemenai Workshop’ which was the most developed olive oil producing technic of Anatolia or even of the world during this era.
This Hall, exhibits the running technic of the original workshop in ‘Klozemenai(Urla) that was created with the incredible genius pattern.


  • Harvested and selected olives are crushed with a mechanism rotated by human-power and turns into paste.
  • The olive paste filled in special sacks and carried over to the pres. Filled sacks placed on the platform, pressed with a double-stranded winch.

Lifting up the weight-stone, with the support of the winch, increases the pressure and the power of the press.

The provided oil is transferred into the stone-carved pools by a wooden canal.

In these ‘combined vessels’ formatted pools, the oil is seperated from its vegetable-water.

Then the olive oil is transferred into the earthenware jars to store and for the last to the amphoras to transport. 


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