A long period, after the Ionian Era and several archeological findings in Middle East, it is a pity that there is no historical record fort he following 600 years about olive oil  extraction.

So this exhibition hall, is called ‘The Transitional Era’.

The next act of olive on historical stage took place again in Cyprus, within the Roman Age.

In this hall, the basic and principle olive oil production instruments are exhibited, which have been used throughout history,until today.

Curiously enough, that we use the phrase ‘throughout history’, because even today in the villages around ‘Beşparmak Mountains’, oil is being extracted by using all these simple methods and foot-pressing system.

First the water carried from the spring is boiled on furnaces by using some earthenware vessels. Then macerated olives with the help of boiled water are crushed by a human-powered Grand Stone Mill. So the olives turns into paste.

The olive paste put into special sacks are extracted to oil by woman using the foot-pressing system.


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